Associate Vice President, Governance, United Way of Central Maryland

Brief info

George Mason University - Bachelor of Applied Science - Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration
Milligan University - Master of Arts - Christian Studies

In over 2.5 decades of Elizabeth's professional career, she has led teams as small as two to as large as 18. In each scenario, her leadership mantra has remained: "Care first about your team as individual people, then as a collective unit. People won't care how much you know until they know how much you care." As a leader, Elizabeth has always encouraged her team members to lead up and help her with any leadership blind spots. As a person being led, she has always aimed to do the same for her leader - lead up and support them in their role as leader. Elizabeth held positions that support and, in those roles, she has always aspired to absorb as much knowledge from those leading her. She has a track record of often being entrusted with more responsibility and being promoted frequently because of her ability to execute, her desire to learn/develop/grow and servant-minded leadership approach to most everything she does.